The Video was created by two young people who have been on these sailing trips before, Tia who has been on one trip and Kayne, who has been on several trips and is now a young leader. while both young people were a little nervous doing this video, both would never have attempted creating a video, before going on these trips due to lack of confidence, we feel that is what these trips are made for and support you to achieve anything you set your mind to.
Boat - Alba Explorer, - update, we have been notified the boat is now Alba Ventura
Next Sailing -
Return -
*Times are estimates and are changeable for reasons such as traffic
The Millennium Centre & Ocean youth trust sailing trips are a free adventure that could change your life!
No experience? No problem! The award-winning voyages are designed for everyone. Discover new skills, boost your confidence, and become a leader as you navigate the open seas.
Alongside like-minded people, you’ll take on exciting challenges, earn qualifications, and make unforgettable memories. From teamwork to healthy living, each journey is packed with opportunities to grow, connect with nature, and make lifelong friends.
Attending these trips can be a nervoius time for both young people at parents, this is why we have created this page and video to help you understand the trip and to answer some of the questions you may have.
What forms do I need to complete before going on the trip?
You have 3 possible forms to complete, The Millennium Centre have 2 which are the participation form, the form you complete to give us all of the information we need to provide a safe and secure trip away, and the equipment loan form, this form is for those that do not have a rucksack and sleeping bag, the Millennium Centre will provide that for you.
the 3rd form is for the OYT, which is for their information to support the trips and to have you registered to travel officially.
All three are important, however, without completing the OYT form you will not be able to travel.
I have medication, what do I do with it?
You can not take any non-disclosed medication, prescription or non-prescription, when completing the forms, please tell us what medication you are taking.
To take them please put your name on all medication, not doing this may prevent you from taking it, you will be asked to hand the medication to the skipper who will look after it until you need it, you will be able to take any medication in private.
Please note: Do NOT give any of the other crew your medication.
What happens if someone misbehaves?
On the way to and from the boat as well as on the sail, both the Millennium Centre and the OYT, have a no-tolerance policy, which means no smoking (including Vapes), no drugs, alcohol or bad behaviour. If you are caught, your parents will be contacted and you will be removed from the boat at the nearest port point.
Can we use our mobile phones?
While you can have your phone on you on the bus to and from the boat, we have decided for the safety of you and the device, they are to be handed to the skipper on arrival on the boat. However, if you get shore leave you may get your phone whilst onshore.
- This is to protect your device from slipping overboard.
- To prevent you from distractions that may cause and accident.
What if I want to take photos with my phone or contact home?
On board, you will have access to the boat's camera, and you will be able to take plenty of awesome photos that we can share with everyone.
Due to the dynamic nature of the trip you go where the wind takes you, and most of the time you will have no signal on your phone, however, the boat itself has continues 24/7 contact to and from land, and the Millennium Centre has continued contact with the OYT.
If an emergency occurs at any stage both on board or at home we will be able to get in contact with the boat.
As a parent, I would like to know where the boat is, can this be done?
Yes! you can track the boat with the following link.
Occasionally the AIS tracking will lose signal (especially when up north). Please see the GPS tracking on the same page, this only updates every 6 hours so may look like the boats have sailed straight over land!
What food do we have on board?
There is a wide range of food on board and all food is provided for you, if you are a little fussy, we would suggest you give it a try, however, the boat does provide alternatives.
Try not to take or eat sweets and chocolate, or drink fizzy drinks, these will not sit well with the sea and your stomach.
on board all allergy and dietary requirements are catered for.
Should we eat something on the mornig we go?
Yes! try to have a good breakfast, sometimes we have the time to have a quick stop on the travel to and from the boat, but this is not guaranteed.
How much does this cost, and do we need to take money?
You may have the opportunity to go ashore, so you can bring some spending money with you, however, as our young leaders will tell you, as a top tip, take £1 coins with you as you will also be able to use some showers, depending on the port there will be a small charge, normally in £1 coins.
What kit do we need?
Below is the link to the kit list.
Bring warm clothes and layer up, as sometimes it can become cold. Try not to bring cloth shoes/trainers
If you do not have a rucksack and/or sleeping bag, the Millennium Centre will provide one for you.
Are the trips insured?
Yes! all organisations involved in making these trips a success carry insurance for each part of the journey.